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I Am What I Am


A crafter, creator, designer, storyteller, loyal friend, lover of laughter, dreamer, music fanatic, dancer, and a [sometimes fiery, yet always passionate] redhead.


An unwavering love of the arts has helped craft a beautiful story, and foster an impactful soundtrack, to the adventure that is my life. I'm very proud of the progress I've made over the years, and where my talent has carried me. Throughout my career I have been fortunate to work with a vast array of incredible people and organizations. My hope is to continue to do so for years to come. Perhaps one day our paths will intersect and a new collaboration will unfold.


Behind the Band

Crysp Creatives launched in 2019, but the creativity was flowing long before that. Growing up in a home surrounded by the arts is an inspiring thing. My mom was an incredible illustrator, painter and crafter. Each week held a new creative project for her to accomplish. My dad, he's a huge music buff. Our living room was lined with CDs, and I mean lined. The stereo, along with record player and tower speakers, staked claim to one wall while various artists danced along the outskirts of the room. It's no surprise music, dance and design are major players in my world - as each played a significant role in shaping who I am today. The house that may have seemed small and crowded at one time, now resonates as the home that allowed me to immerse myself in everything that I love. A front row seat was readily available for me to watch my mom craft and create, and concerts were a regular occurrence right in my own living room, requests welcomed! Countless hours were spent dancing, singing, doodling, drawing, puzzling and laughing in that space. The walls may have changed over the years, but the foundation remains strong.



Designer / Art Director / Aspiring Animator

Huge music lover and giant goofball

"Music, in performance, is a type of sculpture.

The air in the performance is sculpted into something."

Frank Zappa

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